PCT: Day 68

June 27th, 2016

Miles Hiked: 20

Start Location: Mile 968

End Location: Mile 998

End Location GPS: 38.18694, -119.57132

Mosquitos blanketed the sun drenched sky, showing up as tiny specs of flying dust, like the particles in a room when the light filters through the window and catches them at the right angle. They were in swarms, hissing and buzzing, trying to find their next host, whether deer or marmot or hiker. 

All day they were relentless. They flocked on our backs and head nets trying to find any piece of exposed skin. We made it tough for them, but a few lucky ones were able to feast- it was impossible to thwart the atack from their army completely, they were too numerous and sneaky, finding just that right spot where we forgot to defend ourselves. 

We are camped amidst these varmin. They try to get through the netting of the tent but can’t, so they wait, perched on the netting, clutching it with their wiry legs and noses, waiting for us to come out. 

Carolyn has ventured outside. Unfortunately she had a poo that could not wait. I bid her farewell and good luck as she made her way out of the tent. I could see the mosquitos perk up as the zipper opened, there tiny little needle noses salivating, waiting in anticipation for Carolyn. 

Now, bare assed, I can hear little screams and yelps as she tries to do her business as quickly as possible. I can only imagine the field day they are having- they are absolutely loving it. 

Carolyn has returned. So many mosquitos bites. Legs, back, butt- you name it, it’s been bitten. 

You won today mosquitos. But tommorrow is another day- and we will get our revenge, just you wait. 


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