ST: Day 4

Ichetucknee Springs to Madison, FL

Daily Miles: 72.9

Total Miles: 228.7

Max Speed: 23.7 mph

Avg Speed: 12.4 mph

Time Pedaling: 05:51:39

I woke up and walked outside to go to the bathroom and it was indeed very very cold. I can’t complain seeing as many friends and family in the northern part of the country have it much much worse, but still, 25 degrees isn’t necessarily a heat wave. 

I gathered my belongings and was ready to ride by 8:00. I wore two extra top layers, my big fleece gloves and my buff and hat, and put the tires to the pavement.

It was really cold. My face stung and I had to immediately stop to position my buff to form a face mask to block the chilly air. 

With that out of the way, I was mostly comfortable. The road was quiet riding out of the park and the sun shown behind me warming my back and casting nice morning light on gently rolling farmland. 

I stayed on low traffic county roads all day which was pleasing. What was not pleasing was a nasty headwind comming from the north, which impeded progress quite significantly, especially on the uphills, which there were quite a lot of. 

Eventually I turned left and went west, getting the wind out of my face, and the day improved. Since it was Sunday everyone was out to church. I passed roughly a couple dozen small churches of all types, Baptist, Methodist, Prodestent, Catholic, etc., and each one had a few dozen cars out front. People take their religion seriously down here.

I arrived at my destination after passing a large peanut factory. I never knew such large facilities existed to manufacture peanuts, but I guess it must be tough work getting all those peanuts out of their shells. Someone has to do it so I suppose it might as well be a big machine.

I’m in Madison tonight, splurging on a hotel. It’s going to drop down into the 20s again but this should be it for awhile. Typical temps are returning tommorrow and it will be much appreciated. I came down here to escape the winter and it followed me instead.

Riding into Tallahasee tommorrow. Hopefully in warmer weather. 

Sunny and Cold
Wind, the Invisible Jerk
All Roads do not Lead to Walmart (Well, at least not this one)
Just a Train Bridge

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